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As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prominent on a day-to-day basis, Humans will be required to adapt to the new world of technology. AI brings a world of possibilities that can help humans experience a better life, but it will also do many tasks better than humans.

The idea of the term "Homo Sentient" surged as "Homo" refers to the genus of modern humans, "Homo Sapiens." Humans are the most intelligent species in Earth, hence the term "Sapien" (Latin: "wise"), but humans will soon no longer be the most intelligent species.

"Sentient" refers to the ability to perceive and experience the world subjectively. Sentience is commonly associated with higher-order animals that possess a level of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacity to experience emotions and sensations.

"Homo Sentient" (Latin: "feeling human") will be soon a more commonly used term, as modern humans are transitioning from being "Homo Sapiens" to "Homo Sentients" where humans will prioritize experiencing life, and building connections, whether it will be with other sentient beings or themselves. 

What does Homo Sentient mean?

Approaching Therapy with Art

Art therapy, as a non-pharmacological medical complementary and alternative therapy, has been used as one of medical interventions with good clinical effects on mental disorders.

Feel free to draw, create, and express your thoughts. 

Provide a description to reinforce your drawing.

Draw in the provided field to create AI art

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AI art results based on your drawing and description.

Results are unique as you are.

Join us in our mission to help humans experience what is to be 

Homo Sentient

Homo Sentient is an AI Company that aims to facilitate a deeper understanding and exploration of life, empowering individuals to embrace their evolving consciousness.

In Homo Sentient we want to help humans experience life in a better way, where abilities to express sentient life are enhanced by AI.

The power to express and experience

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